Covers all the bases, doesnt overdue it; enjoyable, a nicely polished panzer-clone. Missing Undo-button is the only thing holding back the fifth star.
Covers all the bases, doesnt overdue it; enjoyable, a nicely polished panzer-clone. Missing Undo-button is the only thing holding back the fifth star.
Game has a learning curve but relative easy to pick up. By and large a fun game reasonably priced.
Love this game.
In terms of gameplay this is an excellent game, I am very much enjoying it. My biggest issue is the lack of a manual or help menu. There are many nuances to the game system as well as many on screen indicators that are never explained in the tutorial, and i could not find any information online or on the official website. Major issue for this kind of game in my opinion. There still seem to be a few bugs as well. I got stuck in the tutorial mission multiple times because i did not follow the proper order of actions. After one wrong tap i found myself basically stuck, te game would not progress beyond the imediate turn and i was forced to reset the app. I also got stuck in some of the main levels after opening the objectives menue the game froze on me, forcing me to reset and losing all of my progress on that level. Also some minor Ui anoyances like the supply action that makes it quite easy to accidently resuply a second unit when you are just trying to select that unit, thus waisting a whole turn and precious resources. Overall a good game which will hopefully get better with some updates.
The game is smooth running without too many bugs on an iPad 4g, but it has little replayability after only a couple hours of gameplay. I like the concept but I wish there was a sandbox mode where you could play by yourself without having to rely on the game missions. They offer 2 separate missions for $2 each, but even spending $7 for the whole game, I really cant see it being worth it since you really cant play it beyond the computer missions.
Excellent title. Very fun.
A very nice game but needs a Manuel and single scenarios.
Started off slow, but I find myself playing a lot...
The only reason that I dont play Panzer Corps now is that it is an iPad-only title and IS NOT AVAILABLE ON MAC. Neither is Commander: The Great War for some reason... This title, though pretty good in its own right, just feels slightly overpriced. And, for the record, I paid $20 for Panzer Corps and X-COM, respectively, and have bought several iOS titles in the $10-20 range. $5 total for this one would have been fair. Thats just the way I feel. So there. As it stands, I probably wont buy the expansions at $2 apiece. I got Shenandoahs Road to Moscow for $3 just a few weeks ago (after paying the full price for its predecessor, Battle of the Bulge). Some might argue that RtM is worth a great deal more than $3 and Id be hard-pressed to disagree. I would refute the same argument for this title being worth more, though. Couple of questions for Ian at Slitherine: Will PC and C:TGW ever make it to Macs? Will they be enabled on next-gen iPhones with larger screens, eg, 4.7 and 5.5 inches? PS, the text within RtMs chyrons is really, really small on the iPhones screen. Might want to take a look at that, devs.
Fun way to kill extra time. Easy to use and learn, with nuanced tactics that really pay off (eg, surround difficult targets with cheap Soldiers to eliminate the target through surrender). Great graphics and sound effects. Would be nice to fight as the Soviets once in a while. Otherwise, my favorite "army guy" game so far.
Its a really nice, fun, challenging game. It would be nice if you could bring your units along. It also needs more variety. It wears out too quickly for such a nice system. Update:I enjoy playing this game. Its fun. Id like random campaigns with core units that develop as you go along.
This is a great game for when I dont have a lot of time. I wish some of the fonts were larger though. Sounds are great, animation is good, just a fun little game. iPad 4, iOS 7.
Great price. Solid game engine. Best War-game title for me since Battle Academy. No multiplayer option, no undo move, and no sequence of next unit. Other than that I am very happy with this title. Yes, I have purchased other titles from shenendoah studios and hunted cow studios.
A ton of fun, light enough for a quick play but detailed enough to keep you immersed. Well done! Looking forward to more iPhone games from these guys.
You have to watch your units and control for ammo running out. Played some more. Dude the flanking maneuvers and surrender maneuvers are genius! Im basically loading up on cheap expendable units and flanking or surrounding powerful units to get them to surrender. Cheap and cheesy but it works!
Best game on the iPad
Scenarios are fun, but a few issues affect the game. The first makes the game stop at Leningrad, you cant buy units or supply them as that part of the interface wont respond. The other seems to be a misalignment Og the hex grid with touch controls. Instead of selecting a unit sometime you get the options menu
The UI is not entirely intuitive Im often hitting the menu when reaching for units. Also no re supply or reinforcements on leniningrad. But the game itself is pretty engaging and entertaining.
Enjoyed initially but it honestly got boring and monotonous.
A fun game well worth the modest price tag.